Development updates and release notes for RPG in a Box

New Features/Changes:

  • Added the ability to copy and paste voxels in the Voxel Editor (via Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V or the "Copy" and "Paste" buttons on the Model Tools panel)
  • Added ability to combine items into a stack and to split item stacks by holding Ctrl key to grab one at a time
  • Added "Invent...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added "Item Storage Slot" as an available element type in the Widget Editor (slot that allows the player to store items into)
  • Added "Equipment Slot" as an available element type in the Widget Editor (allows the player to equip an item to a particular slot ID)
  • Added "Cra...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added initial Quick Slot Bar functionality to the game engine (drop an item on a slot to assign it, right-click to use, grab and drop outside of the widget to unassign it)
  • Added setting to the Game Configuration's "User Interface" section for enabling/disabling the quick...
  • Added test widget to the Widget Editor with the ability to adjust the number of columns and rows (this widget is only for testing purposes currently)
  • Added toolbar button to the Widget Editor for toggling display of the grid lines (only applicable to the test widget for now)
  • Added Widget Tools...
  • Added placeholder for the upcoming quickslot bar to the dropdown on the UI Properties panel of the Widgets Editor
  • Added "Code Highlighting" section to the Editor Settings for changing the syntax colors of code displayed in the Script Editor, Quick Script Builder, and other editor text fields
  • A...
  • Added ability to rename attach points in the Voxel Editor (either for all frames of the model or for the current frame only)
  • Fixed issue where the terrain type property was not carrying over to tiles already placed within existing maps (tiles will need to be saved again in the Voxel Editor)
  • Fi...

Hi everyone! This update contains mostly bug fixes, but there is a change relating to the syntax of local variables that I wanted to call out specifically: going forward, local variable names must now begin with a dollar sign ($). This is to help distinguish variables in scripts and to prevent their...

  • Updated "Duplicate Frame" functionality in the Voxel Editor to include attach points when copying the frame
  • Fixed issue with Linux and MacOS binaries where an A* error would cause games to get stuck after loading a map
  • Fixed issue with choosing a language in the game options menu if the langua...

New Features/Changes:

  • Added Marching Cubes as a mesh option to the Voxel Editor (group areas of voxels to mesh them separately from others, uncheck "Apply at grid boundaries" to not apply smoothing at grid boundaries)
  • Added ability to define terrain types for tiles (e.g. "water", set from the...
  • Added “Clear” button to the Model Tools panel for erasing all voxels from the current frame in the Voxel Editor
  • Added “Range of Numbers” and “Array (List of Values)” as options to the Iterable Expression Builder (for range(…) and array[…] syntaxes)
  • Added ability to double-click the title bar o...