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Placeholder Expression

Placeholder expressions provide a way to insert dynamic values into strings that will get evaluated at game runtime. Examples of supported values include entity properties, global properties, and arithmetical expressions. Placeholder expressions are currently only supported by the Display Message function.

Since placeholder expressions are parsed at game time, they should be used sparingly to avoid potential slowdowns or hesitations during the execution of a script. When possible, it is recommended to store the expression into a variable and then use string concatenation to insert the value into the desired string.

In regards to usage, the expression must be enclosed using the following syntax consisting of a dollar sign and curly braces:


As with strings, any double quotation marks in the placeholder expression must be escaped with backslashes.


display_message("The value of property ABC is ${[\"ABC\"]}")
placeholder_expression.1618198157.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/11 20:29 by justin