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Item Pickups


This tutorial will explain how to set up map objects as items for the player to pick up, for example a key that the player can pick up by walking into/over it and then use to open a door or treasure chest.

Note: This tutorial assumes that you already understand the basics of using the RPG in a Box editors, in particular the Map Editor and Voxel Editor.

Creating the Object Model

Open the New Resource Dialog and create a new object. Once the Voxel Editor opens for the new object model, use the voxel tools to build a key as shown below (or whatever will best visually represent the item).

After the model is complete, be sure to enable the “Passable” property on the Model Properties panel. This will prevent the Map Editor from automatically removing navigation paths to its tile when placed into a map. Save the model if you haven't already.

Before proceeding to the next section, you can optionally create a “floating” animation for the object by following the Creating a Simple Floating Animation tutorial. This will give a nice effect to the object in-game and also provide a cue to the player that it's an item pickup.

Defining the Item

In addition to the object model, you'll also need to define the corresponding item that the player will receive in their inventory. Go to the Item Editor tab and add a new item, then enter a name, description, and image to use.

Remember the name you used for your item (including case) as it will be referenced in a quick script later on. Click the “Save” button () to save the changes to you've made to the item database.

Creating a Sound Effect

Optionally, you can create a sound effect for the game to play when the item is picked up by the player. To do so, click the |Sound FX Generator button at the top, then click one of the presets along the left to find a sound that goes well with the item. In this example, the “Pickup/Coin” preset should work well.

Once you are happy with the sound, click the “Save Sound” button () and enter a name. Remember this name (including case) as it will also be referenced in our quick script later on.

Setting Up the Object in a Map

Open the map where you'd like to have the item pickup. Select the object model you created earlier from the resource container on the right, then place the object onto an open tile in the map.

Switch into “Edit” mode, then either double-click the object (or right-click on it and select “Properties”) to open the Entity Properties dialog. Enter a unique ID into the “Entity ID” box. I'm using “key_01” for this example since my map will contain multiple keys (“key_02”, “key_03”, etc.). This ID will also be referenced in our quick_script in the next step. Click OK to close the dialog.

Double-click the tile underneath the object (or right-click on it and select “Properties”) to open the Entity Properties dialog for the tile. From the “Script” dropdown, select “Quick Script” then click the “Edit” button () to edit the script.

Copy and paste the script source code below into the dialog as shown. You may need to make a few adjustments according to the names you chose earlier on, in particular the entity ID for the object (“key_01”), the sound name (“give_key”), and the item name (“Gold Key”). These are all case-sensitive.

set_entity_script(self, "");
give_item("Gold Key")

To better understand what the script is doing, I've included explanations for each line.

set_entity_script(self, "");
give_item("Gold Key")

Note that this line doesn't have a semicolon at the end since semicolons are used as line separators in the RPG in a Box scripting language and this is the last line of code.

Testing the Pickup In-Game

Finished! Save map and export game, player will now “pick up” key when walking onto the tile.

item_pickup_tutorial.1520483746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/07 20:35 by justin